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Beauty Experts Test Sex Toys Unexpectedly Go Viral


Australian single mother Carly Sophia used to be a beauty expert. During the epidemic, she accidentally wrote a review about sucking a sex massager sex toy, but accidentally went viral on the internet and has since switched to a full-time review of sex toys


Carly Sophia, a single mother raising two 4-year-old children (twins), used to be a well-known beauty artist because of her beautiful face.

Carly Sophia used to be a well-known beauty artist

During the new crown epidemic in 2020, she bought a sex toy (a sucking massager) for the first time, and after using it for an afternoon, she found that her skin was red and shiny.


She posted her experiences and photos on the Internet, which quickly attracted the attention of tens of thousands of people, and many users placed orders to buy this sex toy.


The sex toy retailer noticed that her review went viral, and statistics later estimated that Sophia’s review had boosted sales of the sucking massager by 75 percent.


As a result, many sex toy manufacturers began to invite her to try new products and write out-of-the-box evaluations, which significantly increased sales. Sophia has a hot body, and the manufacturers who invited her to evaluate have expanded from toys to erotic lingerie.


Sophia also received good commissions for evaluating sex toys. Since then, she has been working in the sex toy industry full-time. Every week, she tests new toys and shares unboxing articles, which are published in social media columns.

Carly Sophia told reporters: Women’s pursuit of physical pleasure has always been stigmatized by the secular world, and she is proud of her ability to break outdated taboos, allowing more women to explore the mysteries of their bodies.


Sophia said that she couldn’t try the “How to Build a Sex Room”, which is now popular on the Internet, because she has two 4-year-old children, and she usually organizes the sex toys and puts them in the drawer inside.


During the two years of testing sex toys, an embarrassing thing happened. She went to the doctor because of a urinary tract infection. The doctor asked Sophia if she had recently dated a new partner. In one week she tested 7 sex toys. The doctor suddenly realized and told her that maybe because of the frequent stimulation of pleasure, the muscles around her knee were also strained, which made Sophia feel embarrassed.


In January 2022, Sophia was infected with the new crown virus twice within 21 days. The symptoms of cough and fever were very serious, but she had to take care of two young children. Those days were indeed very difficult, but she received many messages from fans to encourage her and comfort her, She was very moved. After her physical recovery, she quickly returned to work.

Carly Sophia contracted Covid-19 twice in 21 days

Fans often ask her for advice on sex toys, and she patiently responds with different personalized suggestions.

Many women say that after giving birth, they have lost their married life. Sophia’s suggestion: try to find a way to restore the appropriate frequency of sexual life, both physically and psychologically, it is very healthy, and using sex toys is also a good choice. “


“I’m honored that so many people trust me and share my experiences with them,” she continued, “I really enjoy the extreme pleasure of using a sex toy, it makes my mind clearer, and my mood is more relaxed and comfortable. “

3 Comments on “Beauty Experts Test Sex Toys Unexpectedly Go Viral

  1. Hello, I am a new adult toy tester. I was reaching out to see if I could do a sex doll test for your company. I hope to hear from you guys. I have been shot down by every company so far. I hope you guys might be different!?It would be an absolute honor if you’d allow me to test your sex doll.

  2. How do you buy and hide sex toys?

    1. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Here are the best places I’ve found to hide sex toys. Just please don’t tell your kids!

      Just please don’t tell your kids!
      In a locked bedside table drawer. …
      Shoe boxes. …
      In a coat pocket in your closet. …
      A lock-box. …

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